Monday, July 10, 2006

10 things I loved about my weekend (in no particular order):

-Browsing Hobby Lobby with the roommates on Saturday afternoon. Leigh Anne was ecstatic about her fuzzy crimson yarn. I am soon to have another knitting out.

-Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Intense. Hilarious. Dark. Awesome. Handsome Jack Sparrow sporting lots of eyeliner...handsomer Will Turner, being bold and courageous and swashbuckling. Gibbs being loyal and piratey. Several surprise character reappearances. And headstrong, independent Elizabeth doing all sorts of amazing things. "Why is the rum always gone?"

-Hearing Spencer Hamm yell, "Hey, beautiful!" as I got out of the car on Saturday at the Rangers game. He ran over and gave me a hug, mainly to pique Jeremiah, who was right behind him and gave me a hug of his own. :) And then we chilled out and watched the Rangers for a while. They lost 4-0...but it was fun.

-Stopping at Applebee's on the way back to Longview, for a HUGE plate of delicious nachos and time with my boy. He said at one point, "It's good to look at you again." The feeling was mutual. :)

-Listening to over an hour of Barry Manilow in the car, including "Mandy," "I Write the Songs," "Weekend in New England" and "Somewhere Down the Road." There's something so rich and poignant about listening to love songs, even sad ones, with someone you love.

-Finding a comment on my blog from a reader who saw my "Hero" article on Radiant's Web site...thank you Kelly! Your kind words encouraged me so much.

-Mary Lynn Hemphill, running around her kitchen on Sunday morning in a robe and tennis shoes, insisting that I take some peaches and a piece of banana nut cake home with me. She is one of the sweetest moms EVER. I feel like she's adopted me, and I've only been there twice for a total of 4 days.

-Hilarious times with the roommates last night in Bethany's and Leigh Anne's rooms...which included Pirates quotes, Clue references, and Leigh Anne's totally deadpan declaration of despair: "And I also have to read Beowulf."

-Lunch at Papacita's in Longview on Sunday...twinkling white lights, amazing chips and salsa, homemade tortillas, and excellent conversation with the man I love.

-Walking into Lifeteam yesterday JUST in time to have the bread passed to me. Tori literally turned around from her propped-up position in the armchair and said, "The body of Christ...broken for you." And then I got to serve Julie. Priceless.

Today: Tons of interviews (3 already) and a LONG to-do list for this week. But life is good. And so is God. Cheers!


Blogger Scott said...

I love this list. It is lovely how several of these involve time with the same person - that's alllllllllRIGHT!

1:09 PM  

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